Discussion: Presidential Agendas
Discussion: Presidential Agendas
Healthcare discussions have consistently risen as a top item in presidential agendas. Nurses can play a large part in influencing policies. Nurses can play an active role in policymaking by developing relationships with legislature, proving integrity, and moral advocacy (Milstead & Short, 2019). I cannot think of a more appropriate healthcare topic to discuss regarding presidential differences than the COVID-19 pandemic our country is currently facing. Both the Trump and Biden administrations faced the overwhelming responsibility to respond to the pandemic as Americans turned to them for answers.
President Trump was in office as the pandemic began and took action early on to cease travel from China into the United States (The White House, 2020). His administration also facilitated the movement of resources to the American people, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, testing supplies, and more (The White House, 2020). Discussion: Presidential Agendas He launched vaccine efforts intending to develop a vaccine by the end of 2020, which was successful as the first COVID-19 vaccine was available in December 2020 (U. S. Food & Drug Administration, 2021). President Biden’s administration has also faced challenges with continuing efforts to stop the spread, increase efforts to combat the virus, and “restore order” as it may. While the Trump administration ended funding for the World Health Organization (WHO), President Biden’s administration vowed to reestablish the United States’ relationship with the organization (The White House, n.d.). President Biden issued an executive order leading compliance based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines ordering mask adherence and social distancing in all federal buildings and premises (The White House, 2021). President Biden’s executive order to promote safety in domestic and international travel also requires mask-wearing on all airplanes, trains, and other avenues of public transportation in the United States (The White House, 2021) Discussion: Presidential Agendas. In contrast, President Trump was boisterous on masks, even stating in April 2020 he did not think he would wear one after the CDC recommended strict mask adherence (Breuninger & Wilkie, 2020).
It is a difficult question to answer when asked what I would do differently in terms of pandemic response. I am torn between making decisions that are helpful versus mandating. I’m afraid I disagree with President Trump’s lackadaisical views on mask-wearing and school closings. He pushed to reopen schools quickly in 2020, and I feel it was too soon to lower our guard down in the pandemic. The Biden administration worked on a guidance plan to assist schools with the safe reopening. While I believe my children learn better in the school setting, I also feel that we may have reopened in haste this school year with the numbers as they are now. I would have halted school openings and recommended virtual learning for all at this time. In terms of mask-wearing, I am torn between mandating masks at all times and allowing personal choice. There is the argument that I chose to get vaccinated; therefore, I shouldn’t “have” to wear a mask. However, that disregards my moral obligation to society. Discussion: Presidential Agendas Due to my moral obligation to society, I am in favor of mask mandates while in buildings to decrease the transmission of the virus.
Breuninger, K., & Wilkie, C. (2020, April 3). CNBC.com. Retrieved from Politics: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/03/trump-cdc-recommends-cloth-face-covering-to-protect-against-coronavirus.html Discussion: Presidential Agendas
Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6 ed.). MA, Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
The White House. (2020, August 10). trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov. Retrieved from President Trump’s historic coronavirus response: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-trumps-historic-coronavirus-response/
The White House. (2021, January 21). whitehouse.gov. Retrieved from National strategy for the COVID-19 response and pandemic preparedness: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/National-Strategy-for-the-COVID-19-Response-and-Pandemic-Preparedness.pdf
The White House. (n.d.). Priorities. Retrieved from COVID-19: https://www.whitehouse.gov/priorities/covid-19/
U. S. Food & Drug Administration. (2021, August 23). News & Events. Retrieved from FDA approves first COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine
Discussion: Presidential Agendas response
Personally, I have a great passion for Covid – 19 pandemics topic. I took care of the Ist know the covid case in the state of Kansas. It was terrifying mentally overwhelming for all the unit nurses. Most of us were scared, and every morning we could hardly wait to see the assignment. We had patients stay on the ventilator for 35 days and more. The first extubating was like a party day in the unit Discussion: Presidential Agendas.
Covid -19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on (2020 March 11), and almost spontaneously, Trump the President declared the Coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. Using the Stafford Act allowed the administration to mobile the Federal Emergency Management Administration to channel funds to the state (The White House 2020), which was a great move. Unfortunately, the President’s prior statement left parts of the country citizens confused. His outright refusal to wear the mask and his previous comments deterred most citizens from taking the pandemic seriously. However, I must admit that his immediate declaration has made it possible to have the vaccines available for use. Undoubtfully, I feel on the governing part his did what needed to be done.
Since he took office, President Biden has been very aggressive in fighting the pandemic, setting guidelines in the hope of restoring the country. In addition, he is an advocate for vaccination and, finally, a booster shot. The booster shot is pending final Food and Drug Administration evaluation and recommendations from the Center for Diseases and Prevention’s (CDC) and Advisory Committee on immunization Practices (ACIP).
My wish and hope we get through this pandemic quickly and safely.
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Stat News
President Trump just declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. Here’s what that means
White House
sample post 2
Obesity rates in the United States have been rising over the past 35 years, resulting in a subsequent increase in nutrition-related chronic disease morbidity and mortality and significant burdens to families, communities, and health care systems. (Smith MC. ,2009). In formulating effective public health policy solutions that address the obesity epidemic, it is essential to study how obesity has been defined and accepted as a social problem. Amongst presidential-level topics in public health is obesity. There is no doubt obesity has become a public health crisis in the United States Discussion: Presidential Agendas.
Obesity is a medical condition, which involves having excessive body fat. It is linked to severe chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. According to an American Journal of Public Health published study, obesity causes about 1 in 5 deaths in the U.S. each year – nearly as many as smoking (American Journal). America faces a situation where cheap and plentiful food, combined with the diminution of physical labor and the increase of passive forms of entertainment — T.V., movies, computers, and video games — has led to an obesity epidemic. (National Affairs) The American Heart Association reports that about one in three American kids and teenagers are overweight or obese, which tripled from 1971 to 2011. As of 2014, the figure remains almost constant at 33.2%, according to the CDC. (CDC,2008) Childhood and adolescent obesity have reached epidemic levels in the United States. Currently, about 17% of U.S. children are presenting with Obesity (Sanyaolu, A et al. 2019). While the causes of the epidemic are complex, the existence of the epidemic is undeniable. Over two-thirds of Americans are now considered overweight or obese, which presents significant challenges to American policymakers. (National affair)
Obesity has been linked to increased hypertension, pre-diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and some types of cancers. It plays a role in other chronic disease genesis and outcomes—all at an annual direct cost of more than $60 billion to the U.S. health care system (Smith MC. 2009).
In recent years, presidents of both parties have jumped into this issue and tried to alleviate the situation.
Trump administration introduced changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly referred to as food stamps. They limit automatic eligibility for families that already receive other federal public assistance. The federal SNAP income limit then became 130% above the poverty line; that’s $33,475 for a family of four.
According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this decision was not solving the problem. Instead, they believe the food-stamp program has sufficient resources to encourage participants to purchase more fruits and vegetables and encourage healthier purchases. This foundation has worked on health-related programs with the Clinton Foundation and was also an early supporter of the Obama Affordable Care Act.
The Biden Administration, through the Department of Health and Human Services’ Move Your Way campaign, provides helpful tips to encourage children and adults to meet the recommendations from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. (whitehouse.gov) Also, the CDC Healthy Nation initiative provides a blueprint for building active communities to make it easier for all Americans to attain the physical activity they need and get 27 million more Americans physically active by 2027.
Furthermore, President Biden encourages every American to discover an enjoyable exercise that fits into their daily routine. Biden administration launched a National Physical Fitness and Sports Month on May 2021, calling upon the people of the United States to prioritize daily physical activity, support efforts to increase access to sports opportunities in their communities, and pursue physical fitness as an essential part of healthy living.
Presidents do have a great deal of power in the regulatory space, and that power can be used in the fight against obesity. However, these must occur in areas where the government has the most leverage — specifically, where the government is footing the bill. (National Affairs) According to the Manhattan Institute’s David Gratzer, two areas that come to mind are subsidized agribusiness and school nutrition programs, where the federal government spent a combined $19.3 billion in 2009.
Conclusively, Public health is a complex area, but there is evidence that there are areas in which nurses could make improvements in tackling obesity, preventing premature mortality. If I had the authority to change make decisions in health care policy, I would prefer a universal health care system that provides health care to all citizens. Also, I would involve a strategy that will enact high-level policy and legislative changes to alter the obesogenic environments in which we live by providing incentives for healthy eating and increased physical activity levels. Discussion: Presidential Agendas At the community level, I will include the following interventions: the building of sporting facilities and playgrounds, mapping out of walking itineraries, and the hiring of sports instructors. I will offer cooking classes to families, make counseling available to ‘at risk and overweight children, encourage them to see a doctor. I will change canteen menus, introduce more healthy meals to canteen menus, reduce television watching and increase physical activity after school.
Sanyaolu, A., Okorie, C., Qi, X., Locke, J., & Rehman, S. (2019). Childhood and Adolescent Obesity in the United States: A Public Health Concern Health, 6, 2333794X19891305. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/2333794X19891305
MacEwan, J. P., Alston, J. M., & Okrent, A. M. (2014). The Consequences of Obesity for the External Costs of Public Health Insurance in the United States. Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 36(4), 696–716. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1093/aepp/ppu014
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | USAGov
www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/centers-for-disease-control-and-prevention Smith MC. (2009). Obesity as a social problem in the United States: application of the public arenas model. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 10(2), 134–142. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1177/1527154409343123
Obesity in America: A Public Health Crisis – God’s …. https://godspurposewellness.com/obesity-in-america-a-public-health-crisis/
Doing Double Time: Chronic Diseases a Chronic Problem in …. https://www.newsweek.com/double-time-chronic-diseases-chronic-problem-490009
Presidents and Public-Health Crises | National Affairs. https://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/presidents-and-public-health-crises
Trump administration’s proposed food-stamp cutbacks could …. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-the-trump-administrations-proposed-food-stamp-cutbacks-could-worsen-the-obesity-crisis-2019-10-14
A Proclamation on National Physical Fitness And Sports …. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/04/30/a-proclamation-on-national-physical-fitness-and-sports-month-2021/
Discussion: Presidential Agendas
Rather than focus on the treatment of chronic disease, policies that influence population health tend to emphasize prevention and wellness; the reduction or elimination of waste and the eradication of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, language, income, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other factors. The reasoning is that good health belongs to the whole, not just an individual. (New York State Dept. of Health, n.d.) Discussion: Presidential Agendas
Regardless of political affiliation, every citizen has a stake in healthcare policy decisions. Hence, it is little wonder why healthcare items become such high-profile components of presidential agendas. It is also little wonder why they become such hotly debated agenda items.
Consider a topic (mental health, HIV, opioid epidemic, pandemics, obesity, prescription drug prices, or many others) that rises to the presidential level. How did the current and previous presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?
New York State Department of Health. (n.d.). Making New York the healthiest state: Achieving the triple aim. Retrieved June 21, 2021 from https://www.health.ny.gov/events/population_health_summit/docs/what_is_population_health.pdf
To Prepare:
- Review the Resources and reflect on the importance of agenda setting.
- Consider how federal agendas promote healthcare issues and how these healthcare issues become agenda priorities.
By Day 3 of Week 1
Post your response to the discussion question: Consider a population health topic that rises to the presidential agenda level. How did two recent presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?
By Day 6 of Week 1
Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days by expanding on their response and providing an example that supports their explanation or respectfully challenging their explanation and providing an example.
Discussion: Presidential Agendas sample post 3
According to Troy (2017), Obesity in recent years has become a public health crisis and an epidemic, stating that “The American Heart Association reports that about one in three American kids and teenagers is overweight or obese, a rate that tripled from 1971 to 2011.” He further elaborates that the contributing factors to obesity are multifactorial; And if not counteracted, the ramifications could have a significant economic cost burden, with even potential impact at the national security level, with regards to military eligibility. Obesity also is prominent amongst American Adults. Hollis (2020) reports that “According to data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2017-2018, 42% of American adults were obese. Not merely overweight — obese. Nine percent were “severely” obese.” Hollis (2020) further details that obesity is associated with serious health disorders and has even been tracked as a majority place holder in Covid-19 fatalities.
Our current President of the United States (POTUS), Joseph Biden, in his efforts to combat obesity, issued a White House Statement of Release, relating that childhood obesity increases the risk of obesity likelihood into adulthood and that a recent study illuminated that the meals children get in school are the healthiest. To maximize the nutrition of American children, he plans to: Expand the Summer EBT Program to all eligible American children; Provide free meals to children attending high poverty rated schools; Incentivize schools with reimbursements for increasing healthy foods. The incentivization of reimbursement to schools that increase health foods was initially started with the Obama Administration but now comes with a $1 billion offering with the Biden Administration. White House (2021) Discussion: Presidential Agendas.
President Biden, in another effort to combat obesity in America, recently increased Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits by 25% to allow Americans to afford healthier meals. Talgo (2021). The Biden Administration was able to bring about the increased benefits without the involvement of Congress, as they were able to utilize a provision from a prior bill. Discussion: Presidential Agendas It brought about immediate and increased funding to eligible Americans, with the intent of bringing healthier and budget-friendly food options to the economically challenged, with the hopes that it would also improve obesity rates. It is argued in contrast of benefit to Americans, by Talgo (2021) states that Americans on SNAP were noted with higher obesity rates than those that were not on the Program. However, given that these rates were likely registered at a lower SNAP funding, it could explain the higher obesity rates, since purchasing healthier items is inferred to cost more. Talgo (2021). It would serve better to analyze the obesity rates with the implementation of the higher SNAP funding versus the former, to obtain the true efficacy of increasing SNAP funding.
Former POTUS Donald Trump and his Administration, in contrast to The Biden and Obama Administration’s removal of high sodium, high sugar, and high fat-containing foods from school lunches; Had reinstated those said types of food to American school lunches as they believed that since the children were deprived of those types of foods with their school lunches, they would then eat more of the unhealthy options, therefore increasing their risk of obesity. Schewedl (2017). Schewedl (2017) further describes that there were some measurable improvements with the lower salt, lower sugar, and lower fat type school lunches and that the former Obama Administration’s implementation of their new school lunch standards was effective. President Trump had enforced that Americans without dependents had to work, in contrast to the SNAP initiative by President Biden. That requirement ultimately reduced the economic burden of Americans on SNAP. Talgo (2021). On the personal side of things, President Trump had aimed to serve as a positive role model to children by his willingness to improve his nutrition intake and start exercising. CNN Wire (2008).
What would I have done differently to combat the obesity crisis? I do agree with in part with both The Biden and Trump Administrations’ approaches to addressing the obesity crisis as described herein. But there is one missing piece that I feel could add to the improvement of the trend of obesity, as a nation, and that is to start with nutrition education at an early age, meal planning, budget planning, food resources, and availability, and even understanding plants and gardening to create ideas in the young of America how to survive and sustain oneself Discussion: Presidential Agendas. Educating the young can also educate their parents on how to plan for their most optimal health well into adulthood.
CNN Wire (2008). President Donald Trump’s first wife is launching a new campaign aimed at fighting
adult obesity. Ivana Trump. Ivana Trump launching campaign to fight adult obesity (wtva.com)
Hollis, H. (2020, October 29). Obesity: The American Health Crisis We Should Be Talking About.
Townhall. https://townhall.com/columnists/laurahollis/2020/10/29/obesity-the-american-health-crisis-we-should-be-talking-about-n2578981
Schewedl, H. (2017, May 1). The Trump Administration Is Withdrawing Obama-Era School Lunch Guidance
Designed to Fight Childhood Obesity. Slate. https://slate.com/human-interest/2017/05/the-trump-administration-is-rolling-back-nutritional-standards-that-fought-childhood-obesity.html
Talgo, C. (2021, August 18). Oh SNAP, the Biden Administration Increases Food Stamp
Benefits. Townhall. https://townhall.com/columnists/christalgo/2021/08/18/oh-snap-the-biden-administration-increases-food-stamp-benefits-n2594304
Troy, T. (2007). Presidents and Public-Health Crises. National Affairs.
White House (2021, April 28). Briefing Room. Statements and Releases. Fact Sheet: The American Families Plan. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/04/28/fact-sheet-the-american-families-plan/ Discussion: Presidential Agendas